[TowerTalk] Phasing HF Yagis

kc8pg@tir.com kc8pg@tir.com
Thu, 19 Jun 1997 20:23:47 -0700

Ralph Fedor wrote:
> Quite some time ago there was an article in the NCJ describing a system to
> feed stacked Yagis -- top only, bottom only, both in phase, and both out of
> phase.  Does anyone have the date of that issue of the NCJ -- or, a circuit
> diagram?
> I am hoping to get a set of stacked 20 meter monobanders up this fall.

Ralph and others,

	I had a pair of 204ba's stacked for about 3 years. They were on Rohn 45
tower, stacked at 135 and 82 feet. The lower was on a DX eng. side arm
mount. I 
used the DX Eng. Yagi Phase-0 box for swithing top, bottom or both. I
have recently
move QTH and all of this is now in my pole barn.
	Out of the 3 years I had this up, I can count on one hand the number of
that I ever found the top or the bottom alone to be better than the pair
Also in that same time, I can count on one hand the number of times that
I was able
to work a DX station that DX'ers around my location with KT34xa's at abt
80 ft. were 
not able to hear and work it at the same time. In fact a few of those
times that they
could not hear the station I worked, they only waited about 15 min. more
and than they
were able to work it anyways.
	So did all of the hard work of putting up stacked 4's and maintaining
really give me much advantage? Will I put it all up in the air again? 
	My answer is no. I am putting up an 85 ft tower of 45 and a KT34xa and
2-element 40 mtr beam. All my extra tower sections will be used for a
160 vert. and
a 4-sq for 80 mtrs. What will happen with all the extra alum and phase
box? Who cares,
but I won't have to do the maint. on it any more.
	There are a few misc. benifits of stacking that I did not include:
If you are net control, you can point one at the DX stn and cover the
net with the other
ant. Or if you are a contester, you can run JA with top and EU with
lower at the same
time. So the are some possiblities that I did not use often. But if you
do put up a
stack, switching is rarely a benifit. And you could save by buying a T
adapter and
putting 1/4 wave stubs to each ant. and they are always phased. This is
how you would
be using them 95 % of the time anyways.

	All of this is just my personal opinion and observations. Gud Luck.

				Jim   KC8PG

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