[TowerTalk] Belleville washers source of supply?

Frank Donovan donovanf@sgate.com
Sun, 29 Jun 1997 12:28:49 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Dan!
Bellevilles are available in a wide assortment of sizes from my favorite
hardware store: McMaster-Carr Supply Co.  
To order via credit card call: 908-329-3200 M-F 0700-2100 Eastern.  When I
order by early afternoon, 90% of the time the material is on my doorstep
by noon the next day via UPS ground.

For example:
For a 1/4" bolt, id 0.254", od 0.559", thickness 0.052", carbon steel,
p/n 90127A029  $8.90 per hundred

Thinner Belleville disc springs are also available:
0.250: id, 0.500 od,  0.0380 thickness, p/n 9712K64, 
in carbon steel $6.45 per dozen
in stainless steel $6.88 per dozen

A still samller Belleville:
0.264" id, 0.374" od, 0.028: thickness, stainless steel, p/n 90895A029,
$14.86 per one thousand

On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Dan wrote:

> Hi OM's,
> When I worked at Hobart Brothers (welding equipment company), we used
> belleville washers to provide uniform pressure on certain electrical joints
> with nut-bolt fasteners.  For those who aren't familiar with them, they
> have a slight conical shape that collapses as the bolt is tightened.
> I need some of these (approximately 1/4 ID, 3/4 OD).  Does anyone know of a
> good source?  I've tried several local hardware stores--no luck.
> Thanks,
> Dan Long (W4TQ)

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