[TowerTalk] Vertical vs. Low Beam?

David O Hachadorian k6ll@juno.com
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 14:04:57 EST

On Fri, 21 Mar 1997 10:07:20 -0800 (PST) Doug Brandon <dab@kaiwan.com>
>I've been using a roof mounted HF6V vertical (at about 16') for the 
>past 5 years with reasonable results.  I'm currently looking into 
>up a tower, but in the meantime I'm curious if a roof mounted beam
>(say a Force C3/C4 or Cushcraft A4) at around 20' - 25' would do any
>better than the vertical.  
>I know the rule of thumb with beams is "higher is better", but what is 
>the minimum height at which I can expect reasonable results?  or at
>least better results than the vertical?
>Comments appreciated,
>  73 de Doug, N6RT
>  Doug Brandon        http://www.kaiwan.com/~dab       dab@kaiwan.com
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For two-radio contesting, I have a 3 element 15 mounted at 25'
on the tower. It's about one s-unit down from my KT-34XA which
is at 48'. The XA is a killer on 15, so I think the low mono is
doing quite well.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL

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