[TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotors

Thu, 27 Mar 1997 21:22:08, -0500

This is a good news/bad news item.
A few weeks ago I made some disparaging remarks about CDE type 
rotators...and touted my Yaesu G-800SDX.
Bad News ...Last night the indicator on my six month old Yaesu 
stopped working. (eating crow)
Good news.. Yaesu service was very responsive.
More good news. The problem is in the indicator box and not at the 
top of the tower..
Bad news...The box has to go back to Yaesu for repairs.

This was not a cheap unit and it is the second new product to go back 
to Yaesu this year. 
(The first was an FT-8000R after only two weeks).

I draw no conclusions, but
My HD-73 rotor lasted over 15 years
The S-line is older than dirt.
My OMNI-VI sings
I have'nt changed a tube in the R-390A in years
my MFJ keyer still works.


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