[TowerTalk] New T2X

Dave Quick WD0EKL dquick@mm.com
Sun, 30 Mar 1997 09:13:13 -0600

At 06:30 AM 3/30/1997 EST, ko4a@juno.com (H John Kohl)
>The interesting comment from the Rohn spec sheet "DWG. N). A-760001R1"
>for the BX towers.
>Note:  Antenna types should be limited to those having a maximum boom
>length of 10 feet.  No engineering data relating to the use of boom
>lengths in excess of 10 feet is available and the use of such boom
>lengths is not recommended.    
>Nice disclaimer. 
>73 John KO4A@juno.com

Everyone I know with a BX series tower exceeds this 10 foot boom guideline,
some by over
200 percent.  Does anyone have an enlightening comments about Rohn's
disclaimer? I presume
it's a CYA statement on their part.

Either way, the BX series seems to be a lot of tower for the money.

Dave Quick WD0EKL
internet: dquick@mm.com
Compuserve: 75526,2656
Grid square EN35jb
Minneapolis, MN

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