[TowerTalk] 40-2CD Spacing and Interactions with WARC?
Dan Nixon
Thu, 01 May 1997 08:35:29 -0400
David O Hachadorian wrote:
> It was probably one of my postings where you heard that the
> 40-2cd is resonant at 18.1. I use it as my one and only
> antenna on that band, and it works well, with an swr of
> about 1.9. It is quite possible that it would interact with
> other 18 Mhz antennas. In fact, after my last posting,
> somebody, I don't remember who, wrote me that
> he was having such a problem.
Does anyone have any other experience with interaction between the
40-2CD and an 18 mhz.antenna? I'm about to put the 40-2CD on a mast
about 8 feet from a Hy-Gain DB12-17 duobander. Any comments please?
Dan, W4EA
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