[TowerTalk] DCU-1

Larry Bush lbush@eramp.net
Fri, 02 May 1997 08:58:34 -0500

I have a Hy-Gain Tailtwister-D with a DCU-1 control unit (model 303-D).
The DCU-1 is defective ( no 5 volt DC ). I Called Hy-Gain and requisted a
service manual and they told me no service manual was available, that I must
return unit to them for repair. Hy-Gain has had it for a month now and they
tell me their tech is sick and they are running behind...

Are the motors for the Tailtwister-D the same as the motor for the T2X? 
Can I use a manual control unit for the T2X to control the Tailtwister-D?
Any help will be appreciated.

Larry Bush, W5NCD
359 Arrowhead Point
Waco, Texas 76712
phone 817-848-5155
Fax # 817-299-1040

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