[TowerTalk] gamma matches

ken cubilo kcubilo@freeway.net
Sun, 04 May 1997 12:59:58 -0400

hi all here is a silly question: i just made and installed a 3 ele
monobander for 10 meters which is now at 35 feet on the tower. right
now lowest vswr is at 26.177mhz. does anyone have a starting point on
the gamma match dimensions? the gamma is a .5 in rod with a 1/4 in diam
inserted into it with the slack spacing between rods filled by a piece
of plexiglass (round) about 10 inches long. guess since i am going to
tune the antenna without help that one or two trips up the tower would
be nicer than 50 hi... i am going to say the gamma to driven tap is
right around 14 inches right now.can some of you experts tell me more
capactance or less? 
tks and 73 ken we8w

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