[TowerTalk] AB105
Frank Donovan
Tue, 6 May 1997 06:03:49 -0400 (EDT)
Congratulations on your find! You have secured one of the most desirable
towers for amateur use. I have seven AB-105 towers installed, and four of
them are 200 feet tall. If you would like to visit (I'm not sure if a 3rd
area callsign is on the east coast any more...) or call on the phone, I'd
be happy to describe your tower in further detail. We're having a huge
(perhaps 200 contesters) FRC-PVRC annual reunion at my QTH on June 21st if
u (*or any other contester*) would like to visit then. My phone number is
The AB-105 is a guyed tower, and guys should be placed at least every 46
feet of height. It weighs 112 pounds per 10 foot section (it is
manufactured in section lengths of 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 and 20 feet all
compatible with each other). The face width is approximately 24 inches,
and the maximum allowable bending moment at the top of an AB-105 tower is
15,600 foot-pounds (this is a very strong tower!).
On Mon, 5 May 1997, Edward Hancock wrote:
> Have secured a used tower identified asan AB105 - old military/gov. Am
> looking for specs on it. Would appreciate any help I could get. Thanks
> Ed N3YIT
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