[TowerTalk] Backstays
Bob Wruble
Tue, 6 May 1997 15:24:28 -0700
i use a lot of the dacron rope fer supporting wires but have
found it lacking where tension is important even with
> From: Patrick Croft <mai@iquest.net>
> To: Fred Hopengarten <k1vr@juno.com>
> Cc: towertalk@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Backstays
> Date: Tuesday, May 06, 1997 2:29 PM
> Fred-
> Dacron covered by the black (UV protected)fabric (Synthetic Textiles?)has
> held up over ten years in Indiana weather. I've used it for dipoles and
> wires in trees too. One of the best things about it is terminating - tie it
> in a knot! It does 'give' or stretch some. Nothing is forever I guess, and
> whatever you use will fail at the most unpleasant time. Schedule to be on
> vacation when that time comes again and be sure you've appointed a ham buddy
> to 'watch over' things while you're DX'ing.
> Patrick
> At 04:21 PM 5/6/97 EDT, you wrote:
> >In the massive storm of April 1, 1997, the third largest snowfall in the
> >history of the Boston area, I lost backstays on three TH6/TH7's. Two on
> >one tower, and one on another.
> >
> >Examination shows that the backstay wire had rusted through. The plated
> >u-bolts and saddles were also heading for the "rust to dust" stage of
> >life.
> >
> >I am now contemplating a trip to Bliss Marine, to buy 1/8" stainless
> >steel guy wire. This marine supplier also has a $20 device which uses a
> >socket wrench to tighten small nico-press style holders (for about 48
> >cents each) to hold the backstays in place. The big crimping tool is
> >$120.
> >
> >On the other hand, K1LZ is recommending that I use wire rope in a plastic
> >cover, with 54 cent plated u-bolts and saddles (small ones).
> >
> >I recall that W1RR, a smart person in my judgment, has used dacron rope
> >for backstays, as well as Phillystran (on BIG booms).
> >
> >The project is: backstays for a 24' boom TH67/TH7. What would you
> >recommend?
> >
> >Fred Hopengarten K1VR
> >617/259-0088
> >Six Willarch Road
> >Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
> >permanent e-mail address: fhopengarten@mba1972.hbs.edu
> >
> >
> >--
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> >Submissions: towertalk@contesting.com
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> >Problems: owner-towertalk@contesting.com
> >
> >
> --
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