[TowerTalk] High swr on 10-15-20m

david l hyman kb0onf@juno.com
Sat, 10 May 1997 18:28:23 PST

Dear Towertalkians . . .

A while back I asked for suggestions to help solve my problem of high swr
on 10-15-20m on my Explorer 14 mounted on a 52' Hy-gain crankup.

I received lots of great responses (I trried to respond individually . .
. I hope I didn't miss anybody). The most responses focused on a bad coax connector or bad coax.

I turned out that the problem WAS precisely THAT! It was a bad piece of
coax from the low-pass filter to the rig. My thanks to Sherm Ringer
KB0LTQ who came over and found it.

Fifteen  and 20m have an swr of <1.1. Forty meters has an swr of 1.0. Ten
meters is still high at 3 . . . and I'll probably have to tip the tower
and check the measurements of the elements. But even an swr of 3 (
though not acceptable) is better than 5.

So, towertalkians . . . thanks again for your help.

73 de Dave KB0ONF

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