[TowerTalk] Hy-Gain 105BA Mod to 105CA

Gary R. Hosler grhosler@imation.com
Tue, 13 May 1997 09:04:56 -0500

The following is straight from the Hy-Gain Web site

105BA - 105CA:

The older 105BA 5 element 10 meter beam was replaced by the 105CA in August
 of 1993.

The 105CA was developed using extensive computer modeling on YO-4/YO-5 and

NEC for Wires. There are 7 settings to choose from, including - CW, Low

Mid Phone, OSCAR/FM, Broad-Band, Max F/B, and Max Gain.  All designs were

verified on Hy-Gain's antenna test range using a Scientific Atlanta pattern

and HP network analyzers.

There are no extra parts to purchase in order to convert a 105BA in good
condition to a 105CA. New spacings for the 105CA are:

Refl - DE: 58 inches (1.473 m)

DE - D1: 45 inches (1.143 m)

D1 - D2: 83.5 inches (2.121 m)

D2 - D3: 100 inches (2.540 m)

Mast to D1: 38.75 inches (0.984 m)

Fixed Element Lengths:

R1: 44 inches (112 cm)

DE-1, D1-1, D2-1, D3-1: 24 inches (61 cm)

R2: 21.5 inches (54.6 cm)

DE-2, D1-2, D2-2, D3-2: 23.5 inches (59.7 cm)

CW Setting:

R-3: 42.25 inches (1073 mm)

DE-3: 54.375 inches (1381 mm)

D1-3: 53.5 inches (1359 mm)

D2-3: 51.75 inches (1314 mm)

D3-3: 48 inches (1219 mm)

Beta Length "L": 17 inches (432 mm)

Gain (dBd): 8.20

Max F/B: 27 dB

2:1 VSWR Bandwidth: 1100 KHz

Center Frequency: 28.200 MHz

Low Phone Setting:

R-3: 41.5 inches (1054 mm)

DE-3: 53.375 inches (1356 mm)

D1-3: 52.75 inches (1340 mm)

D2-3: 51 inches (1295 mm)

D3-3: 47.25 inches (1200 mm)

Beta Length "L": 17 inches (432 mm)

Gain (dBd): 8.22

Max F/B: 27 dB

2:1 VSWR Bandwidth: 1100 KHz

Center Frequency: 28.400 MHz

Mid-Phone Setting:

R-3: 40 inches (1016 mm)

DE-3: 52.25 inches (1327 mm)

D1-3: 51.375 inches (1305 mm)

D2-3: 49.625 inches (1260 mm)

D3-3: 45.875 inches (1165 mm)

Beta Length "L": 17 inches (432 mm)

Gain (dBd): 8.26

Max F/B: 27 dB

2:1 VSWR Bandwidth: 1100 KHz

Center Frequency: 28.800 MHz

OSCAR/FM Setting:

R-3: 37.125 inches (943 mm)

DE-3: 49.5 inches (1257 mm)

D1-3: 48.625 inches (1235 mm)

D2-3: 46.875 inches (1191 mm)

D3-3: 43.25 inches (1099 mm)

Beta Length "L": 17 inches (432 mm)

Gain (dBd): 8.35

Max F/B: 27 dB

2:1 VSWR Bandwidth: 1000 KHz

Center Frequency: 29.500 MHz

Broad-Band Setting:

R-3: 42 inches (1067 mm)

DE-3: 51.5 inches (1308 mm)

D1-3: 49 inches (1245 mm)

D2-3: 48 inches (1219 mm)

D3-3: 43.5 inches (1105 mm)

Beta Length "L": 28.375 inches (721 mm)

Gain (dBd): 8.20

Max F/B: 24 dB

2:1 VSWR Bandwidth: 1700 KHz

Center Frequency: 28.800 MHz

Max F/B Setting:

R-3: 41.5 inches (1054 mm)

DE-3: 54.25 inches (1378 mm)

D1-3: 52.5 inches (1334 mm)

D2-3: 45.875 inches (1165 mm)

D3-3: 38.25 inches (972 mm)

Beta Length "L": 10.375 inches ( 264 mm )

Gain (dBd): 7.56

Max F/B: 36 dB

2:1 VSWR Bandwidth: 600 KHz

Center Frequency: 28.500 MHz

Max Gain Setting:

R-3: 40.625 inches (1032 mm)

DE-3: 51.25 inches (1302 mm)

D1-3: 49.375 inches (1254 mm)

D2-3: 50.625 inches (1286 mm)

D3-3: 49.125 inches (1248 mm)

Beta Length "L": 13.5 inches (343 mm)

Gain (dBd): 8.60

Max F/B: 23 dB

2:1 VSWR Bandwidth: 400 KHz

Center Frequency: 28.500 MHz

Hope the info helps!

73 de Gary  W0AW

rcook@hiwaay.net on 05/12/97 05:18:23 AM

To:   ve6sv@oanet.com
cc:   towertalk@contesting.com (bcc: Gary R. Hosler/MIPP/Imation)
Subject:  Re: [TowerTalk] Hy-Gain 105BA Mod to 105CA

Could anyone tell me what you are supposed to get from the BA to CA
73 Roger,ko4o

Kosmenko, Gordon wrote:
> Finally its antenna season in the great white north !
> Has anybody done the 105BA to 105CA mod ? Which dim did you set on ?
> (max gain, low phone)
> Did the mod make a operational performance difference ... have to
> remove the present 105BA from 90 feet ... will the effort make a
> difference ?
> Thanks for your comments in advance.
> 73 de Gord VE6SV
>         ************************************************************
>         *  Gordon R. Kosmenko       Email ve6sv@oanet.com          *
>         *  277 - 52306 Rge Rd 212   Telephone (403) 922-4331       *
>         *  Sherwood Park, AB        Work      (403) 917-7278       *
>         *  T8G 1A9                  Amateur Station VE6SV          *
>         ************************************************************
> --
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