[TowerTalk] Connector sealing

SavageBR@aol.com SavageBR@aol.com
Wed, 14 May 1997 08:48:16 -0400 (EDT)

The best material I have used in 50 yrs of playing with antennas is LIQUID
TAPE made by Starbright and found in hardware stores or marine/boat stores.
It is a liquid that is applied by a brush supplied in the can. It does an
excellent job of sealing the back end and mating connections of coax
connectors. It is also excellent to use on connections to driven elements,
exposed terminals etc. It is also easy to open a connector joint and then
reseal. It comes in either red or black color. No putty or tape, just one
application of the liquid tape. It works great.

73, Bruce  AA4Z

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