[TowerTalk] Extending the Boom-402CD

Martin Ellis jmellis@ihug.co.nz
Fri, 23 May 1997 15:40:48 +1200

Hi Chuck, 

I have been neglecting to empty my trash folder of deleted email.
so just been digging thru 4208 deleted messages!

Hope this one attached may be what you and Steve referred to?

Martin ZL1ANJ


Chuck KE5FI wrote:

> Steve K7LXC wrote:
> W4AN writes:
>>  heard a rumor that they were considering a 3 element version
>>  of the 402CD on a 40' boom. 

>  While this sounds like a slam-dunk and a very desirable
>  configuration, I remember a post several months ago enumerating
>  several electrical reasons why this was almost impossible. Drat.
>  Steve K7LXC

> I missed that post.  I have purchased a 40 meter rotary dipole
> and a 402 and hope to combine them..  Is there a problem I have
> overlooked?
> Chuck, KE5FI

-----------------------------------message follows:

Subject:   Re: [TowerTalk] extending the boom
   Date:   Mon, 17 Mar 1997 15:05:20 -0500 (EST)
  From:    "David L. Thompson" <thompson@mindspring.com>
    To:    "Fatchett, Mike" <Fatchett.Mike@tci.com>
    CC:    towertalk@contesting.com

At 12:34 PM 3/17/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Has anyone tried extending the boom of a Cushcraft 40-2cd.  I have a
>boom from a KLM 3 ele 40, I think it is 20 ft vs 22 for the 40-2cd.  I
>had a full sized 2 element 40 until mother nature found it!  Too much >to maintain.
>Mike W0MU

Cushcraft used a Fortran based modeling system to get max gain from the
40-2CD.  Altho this was 20 years ago its still hard to get more gain
from a 2el on 40.  Several have run models on the antenna and its seems
to all point to 23' as best for the reflector/driven el combo of the

If you extend the boom (I have heard 38' and 41') and make it a 3el
array...but for only about 1.1DbD difference.  Seems the best thing to
do is apply as many of the mechanical mods you can, stack a pair, or go
to a full size 3 el.

Dave K4JRB

----------------------------------------------message ends

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