[TowerTalk] Rotator problem solved
Chris R. Burger
Mon, 3 Nov 1997 15:42:58 +200
A few weeks ago, I posted a request from ZS6AWK for help with a
rotator problem. His meter was fluctuating during rotation, so that
he could not see the actual position of the antenna before it
The consensus from several "old hands" was that the copper contact at
the top of the bell housing was not seated properly. Here is Danie's
Thanks for all the guys who gave me advice recently on my HAM IV
rotator problem. I basically disassembled and re-assembled the rotator
very carefully with extra care regarding all the advice I was getting.
And it worked ! The needle is now absolutely stable.
My opinion is that the seating of the copper fingerstock is absolutely
critical. In other words the little plate must seat 100% correctly in the 'slit'
on the bell housing.
Only question remaining: must I really buy the 'proper' cap ? I used an
old 100uF 100V electrolytic cap from my junk box and it seems to work
fine. The 'proper' cap is approximately $ 15 from the local HyGain
supplier. Can the electrolytic damage the motor ?
Thanks again
Danie zs6awk
Once again, I'll deal with inputs and summarise.
Chris R. Burger
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