[TowerTalk] Re: Upcoming Compliance

Bill Turner wrt@eskimo.com
Sat, 15 Nov 1997 02:33:42 GMT

There is a RF safety calculator available at:


I can't personally vouch for the accuracy - perhaps someone else can?
But if it's correct, very few of us have anything to worry about.  For
example, I have a 160/80 meter ground mounted vertical which I like to
pump 1500 watts into.  According to the calculator, on 80 meters, any
distance farther than 6.15 feet is ok for an "uncontrolled"
environment, and a mere 2.78 feet is ok for a "controlled"
environment.  160 meters is even less.

I also have a TH5Mk2 at 50 feet.  With the same 1500 watts, it is ok
on all bands except 10, where I must reduce the power to 1300 watts.

No big deal.

73, Bill W7TI

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