[TowerTalk] Antenna Wire Question

Rick Mainhart mainhart@juno.com
Sat, 15 Nov 1997 19:21:28 -0500

Hi Tom,

  Phosphor Bronze wire rope is what I've used for shipboard wire antennas
when I was in the Coast Guard... along with matching hardware. (Yes, I
sure DO know how to spend other people's money!)

  Pricey perhaps, but probably the best antenna you'll ever put up only
once! Very strong, corrosion resistant, and quite flexible.


Rick, WB3EXR

On Sat, 15 Nov 1997 18:39:33 -0600 n4kg@juno.com (T A RUSSELL) writes:


>What is the best wire to use for dipole antennas between 
>towers that must support a feedline at the center?

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