[TowerTalk] Re: Low Cost Top Loaded Vertical - Illustrated
Steve Narducci
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 23:50:41 -0500
At 11:38 PM 11/18/97 -0600, T A RUSSELL wrote:
>Roger - my e-mail did not recognize your return address as valid.
>I will attempt to make a pictorial at the end of this message to
>de Tom N4KG
>Hi Tom:
>Sorry but I am not quite getting the picture. I have tried to figure out
>how to put up one of those masts using a pully combination but can't seem
>to get it straight. I have tried pushing them up and after one section
>they get very heavy. Could you please give me some more verbage. You
>mentioned the 2x4, I do not see how you are using it. Tnx., Roger, W7VV.
>> From: T A RUSSELL <n4kg@juno.com>
>> To: km3g@cts.com; TOWERTALK@contesting.com
>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Low Cost Top Loaded Vertical
>> Date: Tuesday, November 18, 1997 12:55 PM
>> Low Cost Top Loaded Vertical de N4KG
>> Top loading the Radio Shack "push-up" mast sounds good to me.
>> They make 3, 4,& 5 section versions, up to 48 ft., just PUSH them up!
>> Guy the bottom section and get a tall step ladder to push up the rest.
>> Be sure to secure the ladder to the mast or have someone hold it
>> Guy every other section.
>> With 4 way guying, you can lay the mast out on the ground, add a 20 ft
>> pipe or 2 X 4, straight up, attached at the base, with a set of guys
>> attached
>> to the top of the 20 ft support and a pull rope. Pull the support back
>> down
>> to the ground and the mast will follow to the upright position. Be
>> to secure the base so it cannot move along the ground. Attach the
> guys to their anchors, as well as the "back" guy. Hope this "word"
> is sufficiently clear.
>> I cannot take credit for this clever idea. I saw it in a VERY OLD
>> late 40's or early 50's. The military used this technique to raise
> up to 90 ft.!
>> de Tom N4KG
> /| -
> / | - GUY ( 1 of 4 directions)
> PULL UP LINE> / | -
> / 0_____________-_
My experience is to mount a 4 x 4 wooden treated post 36 inches in the
Then to use a large and long wood lag screw to go into the bottom end of a
20 ft 2 x 4 and into the post near the ground. The lag acts like a pivot
for the
2 x 4 to raise against. Then attach the mast to the 2 x 4.
Raise the mast by hand (probably with one person) and "pin" the 2 x 4 into
the 4 x 4 where the top of the post ends. Guys already attached and hook
up at ground level.
Do this on a day when wind is nill. Works great.....Steve
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