[TowerTalk] Phillystran Big Grip Installation

Bill Jackson k9rz@probe.net
Fri, 3 Oct 1997 23:05:41 +0100

Well the first 40 ft. of the eventual 80 ft. of Rohn 45 is stacked and
awaiting the installation of the lower set of guys.  I just completed my
first ever big grip installation, an installation on Phillystran no less,
so before proceding on to the rest I want to take a time out and see if
everything is O.K.  This stuff is too expensive to make a mistake on.

The dead end of the Phillystran cable is at the first set of paint marks
down from the loop and this is the point where I started the wraps.  The
wraps ended up together equal in length, so I guess that part is O.K.  My
concern is there is a slight gap between the wraps the entire length of the
grip, but only on one side between the wraps.  The other side between the
wraps is tight, with the wraps butting  up against each other.  It almost
appears the cable is slightly too large for the grip.  The wraps are
definately not pinching the covering of the cable in this slight gap.  Is
this slight gap a normal occurence, or do I need to do the wrap again?  I
followed Steve, K7LXC's suggestion to only wrap a couple of turns at a time
to keep the cable tight and laying in the groove.  I also followed the
instructions from Phillystran to the letter, but their pictures leave a lot
to the imagination.  Maybe someday someone can take some high quality
pictures, scan them and put them up on a web site to show us less informed
on how these things are supposed to look when completed.  BTW, they are the
correct grips for the cable, at least according to the part number on the
tag on the grip.

Any comments or suggestions from the group would be appreciated.  I'd like
to continue on with assembling the guys tomorrow if everything is OK.

73 de Bill, K9RZ  

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