[TowerTalk] Old Fallbrook Update
C.T. Morton
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 07:38:41 -0800
Many tnx for the excellent comments reference our new club station,
KT6VV. Kudos go to "JF" for getting a line on a amplifier for us, yes,
the surplus OTH radar transmitter with 54KW seems about right. We did
get a feeling of insecurity when FUV referred to our proposed 50KW as
"Moderate" power. WHAT do you guys run back East???
Also tnx for the many comments about vaporing the rohn 25 elements and
creating a toxic cloud that could affect our wonderful Avocado crop.
We have re-thunk our setup here. This is wat we are working on now at
the club. Putting up 6 Big Berthas with 6 10 ele 10m beams stacked on
each BB. Running 54KW into the "array" will equate to 1.5kw per beam. I
mean, after all, we dont want to be accused of unfair contesting
practices. The OTH amp will be tuned to 28026, we figure that we dont
need another freq as HOW would we ever lose it!
NOw for the question, we are building bead baluns for the 8" hardline to
each beam:
If Material 43 is for 30MHZ and up and 77/73 is for 1.5 to 30MHZ, I
remember reading that some of you use the 43 on the lower freq because
it has better heat dissipation. Now, what do you guys think about a bead
balun with the first 6? beads being 43 and the remainder being 77?
I have always used type 77 beads, usually 12inches of them on RG213.
What R ur suggestions?
73 Tom
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