[TowerTalk] Questions

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Mon, 15 Sep 1997 10:11:55 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-09-15 03:07:13 EDT, k9rz@probe.net (Bill Jackson)

> 1.  What is the best method to cut Phillystran guy cable?

     A sharp razor knife will do it but the best thing are cable cutters.
They're pliers-like but have two crescent shaped blades on the working end.
They're excellent for cutting soft metal as well (NOT EHS!).
>  2.  Is there anything required at a junction of Phillystran guy cable and 
> conventional EHS guy wire other than 2 appropriately sized thimbles 
> interconnected with each other? Is it necesary to use a pair of shackles 
> along with the thimbles?
     Just interlock the terminations/thimbles. 

>  3.  Is it necessary to use 3 cable pullers (come-alongs), one on each guy 
> wire, when initially tensioning the guy cables prior to threading them 
> through the turnsbuckles?  Or is there a method to do this just using one 
> cable puller?  I don't like to use cheap tools, so buying 3 quality cable 
> pullers along with the associated cable grips might get a little expensive.
      You'll spend MUCH more time and fooling around with one comealong and
grip. Using 3 grips and comealongs will enable you to plumb and tension the
tower quickly and easily. BTW, TOWER TECH has the Klein EHS grips for $72.00

     I just bought a couple of nice comealongs at Home Depot for less than
thirty bucks each. The most important feature IMO is to have spring-loaded
gates on the hooks. 

      The easiest way to attach the comealong to the guy anchor is to use a
nylon webbing choker sling around the guy rod. It's plenty strong enough and
it's out of the way of the rod end/equalizer plate so attaching the rest of
the hardware is relatively easy. A 3-footer is $7.50 from TOWER TECH. BTW,
these slings (along with carabiners) are a tower climber's best friends.
You'll find yourself using them for just about everything.

73,  Steve  K7LXC

    TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies for amateurs

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