[TowerTalk] KA1CLX SSV tower update

Scott Bullock twoway@scoden.ma.ultranet.com
Mon, 22 Sep 1997 22:13:55 -0400

Hi All, back by popular demand, the latest update.

The hole is now dug, took about 7 hours total of digging with tracked mini
excavator, was real tough-anyone need some spare boulders? Got
lots.....cheap. The largest one was 46"x14x17!!!! Had to get the tape
measure out for that one!
We ended up with a 9.5x9.5 hole with 5.5 feet to top of forms, due to the
large amount of rocks dug out. Didn't hit real gravel until 4 feet! All up
to that it was a nice dark loom strewn with the boulders. No wonder why my
lawn always looks so good.

Sunday morning was spent building the top 6" form from 2x6 lumber, well
braced for weight of concrete.

The re-bar (7/8") showed up today, all $250 and 750 pounds of it! Anyone
planning on building a self supporting tower, plan on putting in ALOT of
sweat equity!

Tonite was spent installing the lower rebar mat, that's all done and
tied-anyone that does this, invest in the twirley tool for the ties-saves
mucho work and ur wrists. Also got the verticals put in with the 1/2"
bracing to hold it up, and then put the first 4 pieces of the top mat on.  

Unfortunately with the shorter days, not much can be done at nite -gets
dark here abt 7:30 now.

The concrete company stopped by today and estimated 20 yards of concrete
for it yehaa-all $1100 of it :(  I figured 18.4 yards, he was a little more
optimistic (or pessimistic depending on which side ur on)

They say rain here tomorrow, so doesn't look like any work for a few days. :(
Can't finish until the short base section gets here by truck from Rohn. I
figured a neat way of leveling the base section with threaded bar stock,
I'm taking lots of pictures so it will be well documented for the group.

Will update when I get further. Pray for no heavy rain so the hole doesn't
collapse in.

Concrete fund donations gladly accepted!

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