[Fwd: [TowerTalk] Subdivision Deed restrictions]

Douglas Bradford kz5qdx@COMMUNIQUE.NET
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 04:16:08 -0600

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Stan Griffiths wrote:

> >Basically, what we have here in my subdivision is an attempt to
> replace
> existing unexpired laws with newer laws of more depth, breadth, and
> personal
> meddling stupidity.
> >The old 3 page subdivision rules which have existed for 30 years will
> now
> be expanded into a "new and improved" set of 64 page rules
> >
> >Just for a start, so as to supply information input to you, I attach
> the
> "proposed" new rules section that would address my N5RP amateur radio
> activities.
> >
> >=========================================================
> >
> >SECTION 8.10          Antennas and Satellite Dish System
> >
> >8.10.1
> >Television Antenna Prohibited.
> >No television antenna of any type may be erected or maintained on any
> building site except in the attic of a residence without prior written
> consent of the AWC board.
> >
> >8.10.2
> >Other Prohibited Antenna.
> >In no event shall any antenna or other device be used for
> transmitting
> electronic signals of any kind. No electronic antenna or device of any
> type,
> citizen band, "HAM", "CB" or similar radio antenna or other television
> antenna or accessories, except as above provided, shall be erected or
> permitted to remain on any building site or elsewhere in the
> subdivision, or
> on any residence or other building; provided the AWC may approve
> placement
> of same.


> Sounds to me like the above section prohibits cordless phones and
> certainly
> cell phones anywhere in the subdivision.  My approach would be to
> suggest
> that the new rules are way too restrictive, but do not give the
> cordless
> phone or cell phone examples.  If the other side wins and the rules go
> into
> effect, you will have a way to make life miserable for them as you
> constanly
> file complaints against cell phones and cordless phones.  I think
> cordless
> garage door openers and certain burgular alarm systems would be
> prohibited
> as well.  Probably most remote contol units too.  No kid may play with
> a toy
> radio controlled car, etc. etc.  They're nuts.  I'd let them put their
> foot
> deeply into their mouth and then expose their ignorance.
> Stan  w7ni@teleport.com

Stan, U put it rather mildly, I wud also add that the education
system is graduating students with 4th grade reading levels and
this is another example. Most 4th Graders could reason better
than those clowns. It is hard to believe that in this day and time
a group of adults could come up with something like this.

commercial or residential, multi-family dwellings. You could build
anything anywhere. I know the Subdiv.rules  for each  subdiv. etc.
Kind'a hard to believe a City that has done so well without Zoning
and now something like this is going to happen. Another Examp
of the goverment helping us.  And worst of all, ur in the middle
of it.

All of what Stan said is true. Perhaps and I doubt if I could let it
go by, wud be to let it pass and then become #1 comlainer. I just
don't know how far u could go but the way it is written.

"In no event shall any antenna or other device be used for transmitting
electronic signals of any kind."

Sound systems with remotes control devices. Door bells.
No more unlocking ur newer cars with remote device.
VCR's,TV remote controls and I think u could even include
Microwave ovens in that.The cordless telephones are #1 but
so many items fit what they have written. It is almost unpossible
to imagine a group being that uneducated, for lack of a better
word.     If I were you , I would be chewing up 16 penny nails
and spitting out thumb-tacks. That's a old saying but sure does
fit ur problem.

Wish u the very best Bob, and keep us informed, thanks.

73  Brad  KZ5Q
Long Live CW

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<P><B>Stan Griffiths wrote:</B>
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE><B>>Basically, what we have here in my subdivision
is an attempt to replace</B>
<BR><B>existing unexpired laws with newer laws of more depth, breadth,
and personal</B>
<BR><B>meddling stupidity.</B>
<BR><B>>The old 3 page subdivision rules which have existed for 30 years
will now</B>
<BR><B>be expanded into a "new and improved" set of 64 page rules</B>
<BR><B>>Just for a start, so as to supply information input to you, I attach
<BR><B>"proposed" new rules section that would address my N5RP amateur
<BR><B>>SECTION 8.10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Antennas and Satellite Dish System</B>
<BR><B>>Television Antenna Prohibited.</B>
<BR><B>>No television antenna of any type may be erected or maintained
on any</B>
<BR><B>building site except in the attic of a residence without prior written</B>
<BR><B>consent of the AWC board.</B>
<BR><B>>Other Prohibited Antenna.</B>
<BR><B>>In no event shall any antenna or other device be used for transmitting</B>
<BR><B>electronic signals of any kind. No electronic antenna or device
of any type,</B>
<BR><B>citizen band, "HAM", "CB" or similar radio antenna or other television</B>
<BR><B>antenna or accessories, except as above provided, shall be erected
<BR><B>permitted to remain on any building site or elsewhere in the subdivision,
<BR><B>on any residence or other building; provided the AWC may approve
<BR><B>of same.</B></BLOCKQUOTE>

<P><B>Sounds to me like the above section prohibits cordless phones and
<BR><B>cell phones anywhere in the subdivision.&nbsp; My approach would
be to suggest</B>
<BR><B>that the new rules are way too restrictive, but do not give the
<BR><B>phone or cell phone examples.&nbsp; If the other side wins and the
rules go into</B>
<BR><B>effect, you will have a way to make life miserable for them as you
<BR><B>file complaints against cell phones and cordless phones.&nbsp; I
think cordless</B>
<BR><B>garage door openers and certain burgular alarm systems would be
<BR><B>as well.&nbsp; Probably most remote contol units too.&nbsp; No kid
may play with a toy</B>
<BR><B>radio controlled car, etc. etc.&nbsp; They're nuts.&nbsp; I'd let
them put their foot</B>
<BR><B>deeply into their mouth and then expose their ignorance.</B>

<P><B>Stan&nbsp; w7ni@teleport.com</B>
Stan, U put it rather mildly, I wud also add that the education&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
system is graduating students with 4th grade reading levels and
<BR>this is another example. Most 4th Graders could reason better
<BR>than those clowns. It is hard to believe that in this day and time
<BR>a group of adults could come up with something like this.

<BR>commercial or residential, multi-family dwellings. You could build
<BR>anything anywhere. I know the Subdiv.rules&nbsp; for each&nbsp; subdiv.
<BR>Kind'a hard to believe a City that has done so well without Zoning
<BR>and now something like this is going to happen. Another Examp
<BR>of the goverment helping us.&nbsp; And worst of all, ur in the middle
<BR>of it.

<P>All of what Stan said is true. Perhaps and I doubt if I could let it
<BR>go by, wud be to let it pass and then become #1 comlainer. I just
<BR>don't know how far u could go but the way it is written.

<P>"<I><U>In no event shall any antenna or other device be used for transmitting</U></I>
<BR><I><U>electronic signals of any kind."</U></I>

<P>Sound systems with remotes control devices. Door bells.
<BR>No more unlocking ur newer cars with remote device.
<BR>VCR's,TV remote controls and I think u could even include
<BR>Microwave ovens in that.The cordless telephones are #1 but
<BR>so many items fit what they have written. It is almost unpossible
<BR>to imagine a group being that uneducated, for lack of a better
<BR>word.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If I were you , I would be chewing up
16 penny nails
<BR>and spitting out thumb-tacks. That's a old saying but sure does
<BR>fit ur problem.

<P>Wish u the very best Bob, and keep us informed, thanks.

<P>73&nbsp; Brad&nbsp; KZ5Q
<BR>Long Live CW


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To: Bob Perring <perring@texas.net>
From: w7ni@teleport.com (Stan Griffiths)
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Subdivision Deed restrictions
Cc: towertalk@contesting.com
Sender: owner-towertalk@contesting.com
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>Basically, what we have here in my subdivision is an attempt to replace
existing unexpired laws with newer laws of more depth, breadth, and personal
meddling stupidity.
>The old 3 page subdivision rules which have existed for 30 years will now
be expanded into a "new and improved" set of 64 page rules
>Just for a start, so as to supply information input to you, I attach the
"proposed" new rules section that would address my N5RP amateur radio
>SECTION 8.10          Antennas and Satellite Dish System
>Television Antenna Prohibited.
>No television antenna of any type may be erected or maintained on any
building site except in the attic of a residence without prior written
consent of the AWC board.
>Other Prohibited Antenna.
>In no event shall any antenna or other device be used for transmitting
electronic signals of any kind. No electronic antenna or device of any type,
citizen band, "HAM", "CB" or similar radio antenna or other television
antenna or accessories, except as above provided, shall be erected or
permitted to remain on any building site or elsewhere in the subdivision, or
on any residence or other building; provided the AWC may approve placement
of same.

Sounds to me like the above section prohibits cordless phones and certainly
cell phones anywhere in the subdivision.  My approach would be to suggest
that the new rules are way too restrictive, but do not give the cordless
phone or cell phone examples.  If the other side wins and the rules go into
effect, you will have a way to make life miserable for them as you constanly
file complaints against cell phones and cordless phones.  I think cordless
garage door openers and certain burgular alarm systems would be prohibited
as well.  Probably most remote contol units too.  No kid may play with a toy
radio controlled car, etc. etc.  They're nuts.  I'd let them put their foot
deeply into their mouth and then expose their ignorance.

Stan  w7ni@teleport.com

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Submissions:              towertalk@contesting.com
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Problems:                 owner-towertalk@contesting.com
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