[TowerTalk] Gray line in internet

Phil Florig pflorig@mcs.net
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 21:54:11 -0600

Hi All,

Just came across a real time gray line map on the internet at:


May be of interest for pointing your antenna that sits
on your "TOWER" in the right direction..   HI.. or  :-)

73    Phil  W9IXX

Philip Florig                       W9IXX
PO Box 44             tel: 1-708-798-1170
Worth, IL. 60482      fax: 1-708-385-7515
U.S.A.            e-mail: pflorig@mcs.net
also: J3X  :  T30,31,32,33P  :  AH1A team
Metro DX Club              club call:W9TY
Oak Forest, IL.             QSL via W9IXX               
IPR Systems, Inc.                        
Industrial  Power Supplies  &  Rectifiers              

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