[TowerTalk] Long Masts -- Intermediate Bearing?

K7LXC K7LXC@aol.com
Sat, 4 Apr 1998 09:35:16 EST

In a message dated 98-04-04 01:34:08 EST, aa7bg@3rivers.net writes:

> You can have some sort
>  >of fixture to hold it but most people use an additional accessory shelf 
> with
>  >an additional thrust bearing. That way the mast is always captured.
>  >work on 45G and 55G but not 25G. 
>  Steve, Are you saying an add'l shelf with thrust bearing won't work on 25G?
>  I was just wondering in case I ever decide to put up some 25G.

    I was referring specifically to the AS25G accessory shelf which has
limited mounting options (at bottom of a section, in an AG tapered top
section). You can always fabricate a plate that would go anywhere. The AS for
45G, etc. will mount anywhere.

Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC

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