[TowerTalk] Re: Long mast, intermediate bearing
Dick Flanagan
Mon, 6 Apr 1998 08:51:44 -0800
At 11:53 PM -0800 4/5/98, Stan Griffiths wrote:
>> Note that most thrust bearings are NOT designed to hold the vertical
>> weight of your antenna/mast. A good way to lose your toes.
>> Greg
>> na8v/4
>Well, Greg, if it is a Rohn thrust bearing, that is exactly what it is for:
>to hold the weight of the mast and antenna.
>Stan w7ni@teleport.com
When I asked Bruce at US Tower that same question about the thrust bearing
on my 72' crank-up, he told me the same thing. Its purpose in life in to
take the weight off the rotor and shelf.
73, Dick
Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada DM09db (South of Reno)
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