[TowerTalk] Rohn 25 Housebracket questions plus

George M. Roberts kn4ab@home.com
Mon, 06 Apr 1998 15:58:30 -0400

I just picked up some used Rohn 25 and a 25AG5 top section.
This top section from what I measure is 2.5" id. What size mast is this 
top secion made for? If I want to use a 2" mast does anyone sell a
sleeve for it?

I am going to bolt this tower with the Rohn base plate to 
a concrete slab behind the house.  The house is 16 ft high
in the back, so the house bracket will probably be at 15 feet.
I want to put 40 ft and have 3 guys on it at the top. One
guy to the roof and the other two into the backyard.
The antenna is a HY Gain 10/15 mtr beam that only has 4.5 sq ft.
How long a mast can I safely use with?  I have the rotor plate
about 3 ft down into the tower. Does this seem to be a 
safe installation considering that I am not setting a base
into concrete?

I emailed Rohn for a catalog however no response yet.

Thanks for help.

73, George KN4AB/2  New Jersey

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