[TowerTalk] Can you ID this tower?

Gerry Hull windev@inetmarket.com
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 19:14:47 -0400 (EDT)


I have the opportunity to pick up a 58-foot-or-so tower for very
low cost.  The ham died some years ago and his wife does not want
the tower around.  However, I have to take it down, and am a bit
leary of it.

It is house-bracketed at about 30 feet, and then has two sets of guys
anchored around trees(!).  The sections are bigger than Rohn 25G and
smaller than Rohn 45.  It is all steel.  The legs are "C" shaped steel,
and the arms beteen legs come out of the slit in the "C".  The last 10
feet or so has a smaller size section.  I could not see the section
joints from the ground, but the sections seem to be bigger than 10'. 
I've really never seen anything like it.  It has an A3 and 2m FM Boomer
on it. There is very little rust.

My Questions are:

1. Can anyone identify the tower from the description I've given?
2. Do you have any idea of how large the sections might be?
3. Best way to take it down?  Use a gin pole, I presume....


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