[TowerTalk] Installing & de-Installing big Yagis
Dale Jones K5MM
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 14:20:14 -0700 (PDT)
To 'some' towertalky-uns ---(Those that are interested)
The note below is an edited version of a private note that K6KM
sent to me (K5MM) this morning. It refers to removing a 3-element
Force 12 40 meter yagi from an 80+ foot Rohn 45 tower. (He lives
on a very big hill)
He and I had discussed the options available to remove that antenna
from the tower. The antenna needed some work done to it, and Bill
wanted to put this yagi on a different tower.
Amongst the options considered were the high tramline, removing
the driven element and 'wiggling' the remains down through the
two sets of guy wires, removing all the guy wires from one side
of the tower and dropping it down via a pulley rig, throwing the
whole freaking thing down on the ground/guy wires and forgetting
it, using dynamite, etc.
I visited Bill over the weekend of WPX-SSB, and we had good intentions
to get that antenna down. Intentions were defeated by other fish to
fry, resting, sleeping, laziness, and no visible & easy solution for
2 old guys that came quickly to mind.
That left him to do the work by himself. The solution below was a
creation out of Bill's own brain......and as I've advised him, it
must have come from some of the brilliance I've taught him over the
years.......hee hee.
Nevertheless, I felt the idea he came up with was pretty nifty,
and that it ought to be shared with this reflector. No doubt others
have thought of this over the years, and moreover we know our good
buddy N4AR has done considerable work by himself on his own numerous
towrs with big antennas: I just haven't seen much written about
how to do this stuff by oneself.
Read on, and any questions should be sent to:
Bill Snider, K6KM
73 & GL
Dale K5MM
>At 05:00 PM 4/29/98 K6KM wrote to K5MM
>At last!
>The 3 el 40 is completely on the ground, and the rotating
>dipole is up in its place. I was too pooped to rig a balun and
>feedline, then tune the dipole. Another day.
> A light bulb lit on Monday (regarding the 40 mtr beam on
> the Rohn 45 tower with 2 sets of guy wires) and here's what
> I did.
> I installed another guy bracket just one foot below the
> top guy bracket on the Rohn 45 tower that has the 3-element 40
> meter beam on it. I jury-rigged one (new) guy wire on the new
> bracket, on the side of the tower where the antenna boom would
> be lowered.
> Then I removed the original top guy, lowered the antenna down
> to just above this new temporary temp guy, reinstalled the top
> guy and removed the tempotary guy.
> Then I lowered the antenna to the lower guy position of the tower,
> removed the lower guy, dropped the antenna a few feet and
> re-installed the original lower guy.
> This required a pulley up on the tower mast, of course; the rigging
> took an hour or two but the lowering only took about 45 minutes.
> The fortunate issue here is that it is 'do-able' by one non
> teenaged person. {ed. note: Bill celebrates 50 years of being
> being legally on the air next year!!)
> I'm pooped and sore.
> 73 de Bill
Not bad for an OF!!...k5mm
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