[TowerTalk] Re: [Dx] QSL Cards

Douglas Bradford kz5qdx@communique.net
Tue, 04 Aug 1998 05:31:32 -0500

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1st this is a DX reflector, I will just echo the comments of Lee and Zack.
and their comments and add.,  Frankly, I do know any dedicated  DXer's or
just casual DXer's that do not talk about  and most enjoy the cards
Qsl's. The EasyPart is working the Station. The Hard Part is getting the Card.
Remember The Black Hole, Box 88,  If u were lucky u could get a address
but most had to go thru Box  88. YI   trying to get a card out of there.  We
share tips and Info that may help others with their qsl's.

In all the years of Dx'ing with the ZL's and the VK's  I don't remember ever
having to send twice except 2 dxpeditons, One got lost going and the other
coming back. But We do have better Postal Service than Most. And Some
of the South American Countries are had to get a card from. Most never
receive urs, some are green stamp colectors but most are legite. And about
the Awards, I turned in 2200 QSL's when I applied for my 1st DXCC. So
I do have a bunch and do enjoy looking at them and some do bring back
Mermories. My Favorite is a hand drawn and colored card, he did
not have any but wanted to send me one for one of our many qso's.

Zack. U asked for a couple so I'will chuck out a couple, we all have stories
where we just flat lucked into one. Like the nite I got up and went down the
hall, stopped by radio on the way back and turned on the rig on 40. VP8SSI
Found the split, .ZAP got him in the log in  One Call.  Luck..
The Other one is Glorisa, I run 99.9 % CW.  Needed  Glorisa on SSB for my
last Country for #1 HR. I never ever heard one. This time I knew he was up
but had lost tower and Beam in Hurricane and had a G5RV up  15 ft tto Apex.
Well I had taken off week b4 Christmas and was home and one morning
came into radio shack. Turned on Rig and started checked Email. Did not look
to see where Rig was as I usually stay on 30 Meters.  Had been in just a few
minutes when I heard some one calling CQ, I turned around and Rig was one
10 meters. I guess the Grandkids had been in and spun the Dial Listening.
Anyhow-way, FR5ZU/ Glorisa. 1St one I ever heard.  Turned on the amp
set et and hit the Tuner and Lined up before he stopped calling. 3-500's
I called  and another fellow called. He caught him first and then called me
Last One I Needed SSB #! HR.  Luck Luck Luck.  But as you all know
most of them are not that easy. But sure is nice to be lucky one in a while.

So that is my two stories. Next on tales of  DX and or QSLing. Like the
time last QSL card they had, 7 QSO's written on that one card.

OK  Who is Next.

Zack Widup wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Leith Jennings wrote:
> > Hi Joel
> >
> > DX is!
> > 1) Working the station
> > 2) Getting a card from him
> > 3) Getting the Award
> > 4) Some, or all of the above
> >
> > There are other reflectors for other aspects of ham radio, for example
> > contest, antennas, radios etc. The nice thing about this reflector is
> > that there is a majordomo command that turns it off if you don't want to
> > continue subscribing and reading about QSL cards etc.
> >
> > Lee ZL2AL - One of the ZL9CI Campbell Island DXpedition team - January
> > 1999
> >
> > ----------
> > > From: joel malman <malman@world.std.com>
> > > To: dx@qth.net
> > > Cc: malman@world.std.com
> > > Subject: [Dx] QSL Cards
> > > Date: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 12:07 PM
> > >
> > > DX Folks,
> > >
> > > Sorry if this has been covered before (but I have not seen it), anyway:
> > >
> > > I have been reading this list for a few weeks now ... Question: What is
> > > the fascination with QSL cards - who has got a card from some random DX
> > > station, who is 'still' waiting for his card to arrive, etc, etc.
> > >
> Since QSL cards are required for DXCC, this is going to be a topic until
> the physical cards are no longer required.
> I suppose when the cards are no longer required, there will be a lot less
> of them sent.  I will miss them.  Many are quite beautiful and really
> communicate a little of what it was like to be on this or that DXpedition
> to an exotic and sometimes dangerous place.

Roger on Dangerous, Remenber Spratly ?

> But many are quite difficult to get (any that come from a CIS country,
> parts of South America, etc).  These are the ones you see people
> inquiring about most frequently.
> I have 2 different cards - one is a "run-of-the-mill" DXer's card, and
> the other has a cartoon by PA0CX on it (Remember him?  He did those
> wonderful cartoon covers for Ham Radio Magazine). I even wrote Hans and
> got his permission to use the cartoon on my cards!  I like to use those
> for special QSO's, as they are not your routine card.
> But I also like to hear and tell DX stories which involve something besides
> QSL discussions.  Like the times I've stayed up until 1 AM local time to
> hear a station like TY1IJ or 5U7M call CQ on 40 CW, and work them with no
> pileup. Or the time I actually WORKED 9X5HG (he was a slippery one!)  Or,
> in my early days of DXing, the QSO's with places I didn't even know at the
> time - like VK9CE (I thought at the time he was an ordinary Australian -
> I was surprised to find out it was Cocos-Keeling) or S21ZM (the prefix
> wasn't even in my outdated DXCC list - I had NO idea what I'd worked!) or
> HS0ZAA (at the time, I had HS and HV confused and thought I'd worked the
> Vatican.) (It was a new one anyway!)
> I know we all have similar stories.  Anyone else care to toss out a couple?
> 73, Zack W9SZ
> ---
> Submissions dx@qth.net

73  Brad  KZ5Q
Long  Live  CW
Preferred  Mode
10mtr#97 CW WAZ
Denham Springs, La

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1st this is a DX reflector, I will just echo the comments of Lee and Zack.
<BR>and their comments and add.,&nbsp; Frankly, I do know any dedicated&nbsp;
DXer's or
<BR>just casual DXer's that do not talk about&nbsp; and most enjoy the
<BR>Qsl's. The EasyPart is working the Station. The Hard Part is getting
the Card.
<BR>Remember The Black Hole, Box 88,&nbsp; If u were lucky u could get
a address
<BR>but most had to go thru Box&nbsp; 88. YI&nbsp;&nbsp; trying to get
a card out of there.&nbsp; We
<BR>share tips and Info that may help others with their qsl's.

<P>In all the years of Dx'ing with the ZL's and the VK's&nbsp; I don't
remember ever
<BR>having to send twice except 2 dxpeditons, One got lost going and the
<BR>coming back. But We do have better Postal Service than Most. And Some
<BR>of the South American Countries are had to get a card from. Most never
<BR>receive urs, some are green stamp colectors but most are legite. And
<BR>the Awards, I turned in 2200 QSL's when I applied for my 1st DXCC.
<BR>I do have a bunch and do enjoy looking at them and some do bring back
<BR>Mermories. My Favorite is a hand drawn and colored card, he did
<BR>not have any but wanted to send me one for one of our many qso's.

<P>Zack. U asked for a couple so I'will chuck out a couple, we all have
<BR>where we just flat lucked into one. Like the nite I got up and went
down the
<BR>hall, stopped by radio on the way back and turned on the rig on 40.
<BR>Found the split, .ZAP got him in the log in&nbsp; One Call.&nbsp; Luck..
<BR>The Other one is Glorisa, I run 99.9 % CW.&nbsp; Needed&nbsp; Glorisa
on SSB for my
<BR>last Country for #1 HR. I never ever heard one. This time I knew he
was up
<BR>but had lost tower and Beam in Hurricane and had a G5RV up&nbsp; 15
ft tto Apex.
<BR>Well I had taken off week b4 Christmas and was home and one morning
<BR>came into radio shack. Turned on Rig and started checked Email. Did
not look
<BR>to see where Rig was as I usually stay on 30 Meters.&nbsp; Had been
in just a few
<BR>minutes when I heard some one calling CQ, I turned around and Rig was
<BR>10 meters. I guess the Grandkids had been in and spun the Dial Listening.
<BR>Anyhow-way, FR5ZU/ Glorisa. 1St one I ever heard.&nbsp; Turned on the
<BR>set et and hit the Tuner and Lined up before he stopped calling. 3-500's
<BR>I called&nbsp; and another fellow called. He caught him first and then
called me
<BR>Last One I Needed SSB #! HR.&nbsp; Luck Luck Luck.&nbsp; But as you
all know
<BR>most of them are not that easy. But sure is nice to be lucky one in
a while.

<P>So that is my two stories. Next on tales of&nbsp; DX and or QSLing.
Like the
<BR>time last QSL card they had, 7 QSO's written on that one card.

<P>OK&nbsp; Who is Next.

<P>Zack Widup wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Leith Jennings wrote:

<P>> Hi Joel
<BR>> DX is!
<BR>> 1) Working the station
<BR>> 2) Getting a card from him
<BR>> 3) Getting the Award
<BR>> 4) Some, or all of the above
<BR>> There are other reflectors for other aspects of ham radio, for example
<BR>> contest, antennas, radios etc. The nice thing about this reflector
<BR>> that there is a majordomo command that turns it off if you don't
want to
<BR>> continue subscribing and reading about QSL cards etc.
<BR>> Lee ZL2AL - One of the ZL9CI Campbell Island DXpedition team - January
<BR>> 1999
<BR>> ----------
<BR>> > From: joel malman &lt;malman@world.std.com>
<BR>> > To: dx@qth.net
<BR>> > Cc: malman@world.std.com
<BR>> > Subject: [Dx] QSL Cards
<BR>> > Date: Tuesday, August 04, 1998 12:07 PM
<BR>> >
<BR>> > DX Folks,
<BR>> >
<BR>> > Sorry if this has been covered before (but I have not seen it),
<BR>> >
<BR>> > I have been reading this list for a few weeks now ... Question:
What is
<BR>> > the fascination with QSL cards - who has got a card from some random
<BR>> > station, who is 'still' waiting for his card to arrive, etc, etc.
<BR>> >

<P>Since QSL cards are required for DXCC, this is going to be a topic until
<BR>the physical cards are no longer required.

<P>I suppose when the cards are no longer required, there will be a lot
<BR>of them sent.&nbsp; I will miss them.&nbsp; Many are quite beautiful
and really
<BR>communicate a little of what it was like to be on this or that DXpedition
<BR>to an exotic and sometimes dangerous place.
<B>Roger on Dangerous, Remenber Spratly ?</B>
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>But many are quite difficult to get (any that come
from a CIS country,
<BR>parts of South America, etc).&nbsp; These are the ones you see people
<BR>inquiring about most frequently.

<P>I have 2 different cards - one is a "run-of-the-mill" DXer's card, and
<BR>the other has a cartoon by PA0CX on it (Remember him?&nbsp; He did
<BR>wonderful cartoon covers for Ham Radio Magazine). I even wrote Hans
<BR>got his permission to use the cartoon on my cards!&nbsp; I like to
use those
<BR>for special QSO's, as they are not your routine card.

<P>But I also like to hear and tell DX stories which involve something
<BR>QSL discussions.&nbsp; Like the times I've stayed up until 1 AM local
time to
<BR>hear a station like TY1IJ or 5U7M call CQ on 40 CW, and work them with
<BR>pileup. Or the time I actually WORKED 9X5HG (he was a slippery one!)&nbsp;
<BR>in my early days of DXing, the QSO's with places I didn't even know
at the
<BR>time - like VK9CE (I thought at the time he was an ordinary Australian
<BR>I was surprised to find out it was Cocos-Keeling) or S21ZM (the prefix
<BR>wasn't even in my outdated DXCC list - I had NO idea what I'd worked!)
<BR>HS0ZAA (at the time, I had HS and HV confused and thought I'd worked
<BR>Vatican.) (It was a new one anyway!)

<P>I know we all have similar stories.&nbsp; Anyone else care to toss out
a couple?

<P>73, Zack W9SZ

<BR>Submissions dx@qth.net</BLOCKQUOTE>

<P>73&nbsp; Brad&nbsp; KZ5Q
<BR>Long&nbsp; Live&nbsp; CW
<BR>Preferred&nbsp; Mode
<BR>10mtr#97 CW WAZ
<BR>Denham Springs, La&nbsp;</HTML>


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