[TowerTalk] 25G Rotator Plate.

T A RUSSELL n4kg@juno.com
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 21:24:41 -0600

The Age Old solution is to place the rotor plate at the top of 
next section down from the top section.   A short TOP section
can be made by cutting a regular section in two and using 
the upper portion as a short BASE section.

Another solution, which can be placed anywhere, is one I
copied from the Heights Aluminum Tower  rotor plate.

Cut a triangular piece of aluminum plate, slightly larger than
the tower, such that when placed over the steps, on the opposite
side from the welded corner, that the tips extend  slightly past  the 
legs.  Then either weld or bolt a short (3 inch or so) piece of  angle
aluminum to the triangular plate.  Drill holes for a U-bolt to attach
to the tower leg.  If you bolt it in place  around 4 inches above the
step, you can then still stand at that level without having to wedge
your feet between the rotor and the tower leg.   Of course you will
have to drill mounting holes and a hole to allow access to the

It worked like a champ on my Rohn 35.  Anybody know where I
can find any more of this HW series tower?   I  LOVE this stuff!
Rohn should reintroduce it as Rohn 35 for the amateur market.

de  Tom  N4KG

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