[TowerTalk] Which Small Tribander for My Roof

Jim Worthington jimw@tstnet.com
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 17:07:42 -0400

Thanks for the tip, Jan. I'll look into it. My impression has always been
that LP's were bigger than tribanders for comparable forward gain.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jepilot@aol.com [mailto:Jepilot@aol.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 4:13 PM
> To: jimw@tstnet.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Which Small Tribander for My Roof
> Jim - if you have not already done so, you might check out 
> the Tennadyne log
> periodic antenna which is usually advertised in QST.  The LP 
> covers all bands
> (including 
> warc) from 14 mhz thru 28mhz, by definition it is broad 
> having 2.0 to 1 swr
> across the entire spectrum covered, has gain competitve with 
> the usual yagi
> type on all bands,  is attractive in that there are no traps 
> and it looks like
> a giant TV antenna, the weight is about the same as a 
> tri-bander, and the
> turning radius is no greater than a yagi type.
> There recently (within the last year I believe) was an 
> article in either QST
> or CQ by a ham doing exactly the same thing you are 
> considering-- that is
> selecting a beam antenna for mounting on a short tripod tower 
> on his roof.  He
> selected the Tennadyne LP and was pleased with the results.  
> I believe I can
> find this article if you can't.
> I recently purchased the 8 element Tennadyne LP and am in the 
> process of
> putting it together for installation at 65 feet on a crank-up 
> tower.  It will
> replace an old Hy-Gain TH7 tribander.  This LP has 5.8 dbd 
> gain and front-to-
> back of about 24db (if memory serves, I don't have access to 
> the manual while
> typing this).  
> You might call the Tennadyne factory (it is a small operation) and ask
> questions, etc.  Very pleasant to deal with.
> Jan Rehler, W5KNZ, Corpus Christi, Texas

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