[TowerTalk] Re: Projected Area (something rotten in
Steven H. Sawyers n0yvy
Sun, 23 Aug 1998 23:23:28 -0500
I apologize to both you and the web. The book is
Cable Structures by Max Irvine and it was published by
Dover Books. The paperback version has the ISBN of
It was originally published by MIT Press in 1981. Mr Irvine
was (is?) a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University
of South Wales in Australia.
I was given the book by an old engineering friend of
mine. I was fascinated by the approach and spent
about three weekends at the Iowa State University
library looking up towers and cable structures. I found
that most of the good work in the academic literature on
cable structures was done by, or is based on, Prof.
Irvine's work.
The book is a little heavy on the math, but doesn't get
into matrices so it is easy to follow.
de n0yvy steve
At 09:01 AM 8/23/98 +0100, Bruce Horn wrote:
>Hi Steve,
>Do you have a more complete reference for:
>>and a little book called Design of Cable Structures that Tab
>>books put out several years ago.
>In a quick web search, I wasn't able to find a source for this book. I have
>the other references you mentioned, but am interested in a reference on
>guyed structures. Thanks.
>73 de Bruce, WA7BNM (bhorn@hornucopia.com)
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