[TowerTalk] Guyed 45G Tower - Sanity Check

Darrell Earnshaw darrell.earnshaw@sap-ag.de (Darrell Earnshaw)
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 17:56:58 +0200 (METDST)

Hi All,

Having just moved to a new QTH in the Santa Cruz mountains, I am in the
process of planning the (re)installation of my 90-100 ft Rohn 45G tower.
The tower will support a TH7DXX.

Basically, I intended to follow the installation procedure that I have
used in the past when living in Virginia; that is to say, using the
regular CB-2 concrete base utilizing a short (5ft) embedded section as
the base - instead of a pier pin - and using Phyllistran for the top two
guys and 3/16 EHS for the lowest guy. There will be the regular
torque-arms at all three guy points - assuming I can still get a new set
of arms out of Rohn for the 3rd guy point. The guy anchors will be the
regular Rohn-specified concrete blocks. (Last time I used earth anchors,
but getting those into the ground was more trouble than it was worth...
plus I live in a wooded lot, so tree roots and the world's supply of
gophers would make the job even more troublesome!) It is my intention
(unless convinced otherwise) to re-use my old Phllystran for the upper
guys, will the lower vertical 10 feet or so being 3/16 EHS.

Now for the sanity check:

[1] I am assuming that re-using the Phyllistran should not cause me any
concerns, or should it? I've no idea what the lifetime of this stuff is.
Currently, there are no nicks or cuts in the sheathing, although it has
been in use on previous towers for about 10 years. Thoughts?

[2] I am thinking of using a continuous (unbroken) length of 3/16th EHS
for the lowers set of guys. Because that guy point is at about 35 ft or
so, I'm assuming it's low enough not to cause any interaction with the
antenna(s), and thus there is no need to electrically break it up.

[3] A recent exchange of mail on this reflector addressed the issue of
"safety" guys, or 6-way guying. Although I have a tree company scheduled
in the next few weeks to remove trees and limbs that are either in the
way or overhang the anticipated guy anchors and guy paths, I am still
concerned of other trees nearby being a potential risk. In the past
there has been no husbandry or the trees on my lot or the adjacent lots,
and thus there are a lot of large, old trees. (It's quite disconcerting
to lie in bed and hear the crash as giant limbs fall somewhere "in the
forest".) Would extra guys in addition to the main guys make sense, and
if so, what configuration should I consider? Extra guys just at one
level, or at all levels?

I appreciate that I have to balance cost/practicality with safety, so
any and all comments would be greatly appreciated.



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