[TowerTalk] Concrete Base Installation Help

Brian Smithson brian_smithson@vds.com
Wed, 26 Aug 1998 07:56:25 -0400

> -----Original Message-----
> >At 03:50 PM 8/25/98 -0700, you wrote:
>> lightening strike would cause the concrete to explode
> Doesn't Polyphaser recommend tying the tower, the rebar, and the ground
> busses all together *before* the concrete is poured, emphasizing shortest,
> straightest path from the tower to the ground field, to keep inductance in
> the ground path to a minimum? I've got to find the book... It's up here
> someplace in the mess...

Yes they do, and that's what I plan to do on my upcoming installation.
I'm going to bond the rebar together to a ground line going out the side
of the hole to rods in the 'traditional' triangle pattern to start the
I'm going to have another set of lines from the same rods to the legs of
the tower above the concrete with the appropriate clamps.

Hopefully I won't have a story to tell!

73, brian n8wrl

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