[TowerTalk] source of screw anchors

Bill Aycock baycock@hiwaay.net
Wed, 26 Aug 1998 07:34:13 -0500

There is one of those special places, that exist but are not heavily known,
that has some of almost everything.  The place is known as "Mikes Tools",
and is in Guntersville, Alabama. (on the Tennessee river, in the NE corner)

I mention this, because there is a pile of Screw anchors and a pile of 3/4
" J bolts there. The anchors are about 6' long, with 6"" diameter auger,
heavily galvanized, with forged eye, designed to take three guys. I
estimate the pile has over 100 in it. the Price is $10.00 each.

The J-bolts are 3/4", about 15 inches long, heavy galvanized, with nuts and
washers. The pile is obout two feet high. no price marked. It's too bad the
size I needed was 1/2".

Mike is addicted to buying the tool and store rooms of closing factories.
he sells nuts and bolts by the pound, regardless of quality or rating. If
you need a new Block and tackle for 2" dia rope, he has the pulleys. He
also has a set of end wrenches, going from 2" to 6", and a socket set in
the same range.  In his latest acquisition, he bought a whole factory, to
have more storage room.

Inquiring minds want to know- I thought you might be interested.


Bill Aycock   W4BSG
Jackson County, AL
W4BSG is "vanity" this time, but was 
earned by exam in 1954, the first time.

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