[TowerTalk] Cage Antennas
Tom Osborne
Wed, 26 Aug 1998 15:28:34 -0700
Lee Buller wrote:
> I have been looking for a project to work on this fall (when it cools >off) and have been looking at a "cage" antenna for 80 meters.
Hi Lee.
I had a cage vertical here for 80 meters and it worked very well. There
were 2 trees about 40 feet apart, and I stretched a rope between them
and hung the vertical from that. It had 4 wires in a cage about 18
inches across. I would still be using it except the fella who owned the
land next to mine decided to log it and cut one of the trees down. I
don't know if cutting the wires all different lengths would make it
anymore broadbanded or not. 73
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