[TowerTalk] Triastao Tower
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:53:42 EDT
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From: Shaw Robert A NSWC <ShawRA@ncsc.navy.mil>
To: UpTheTower@aol.com
Subject: RE: Bounced Submission RE: Triastao Tower
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:39:47 -0500
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I believe that I am subscribed and do get the postings daily .
The message is:
I have installed a Tristao crank-up, tilt over tubular tower. This tower =
similar in appearance to the U.S. Tower MA-40. The tower is forty feet an=
is mounted on a rotator base. The base is a four foot section that is buri=
to ground level. The base relies on four fins that extent the length of t=
base into the ground to anchor the tower. The base is not in concrete but
in packed sand. I am installing a Force 12 C3S on the tower. Is this tow=
safe to support the antenna? Should I pour a concrete base and guy the
tower? I will keep the tower cranked down to the 20 foot level except in
operation . I am located within two miles of the Gulf of Mexico.
73, Bob W4BH
Do I have to send it on <mailto:W4BH@juno.com> W4BH@juno.com to list?
Robert A. Shaw
=09=09-----Original Message-----
=09=09From:=09UpTheTower@aol.com [mailto:UpTheTower@aol.com]
=09=09Sent:=09Friday, August 28, 1998 1:30 PM
=09=09Subject:=09Re: Bounced Submission RE: Triastao Tower
=09=09In a message dated 98-08-28 14:17:12 EDT, you write:
=09=09<< Steve,
=09=09 =09This week our email addresses changed. Previously I
=09=09 shaw_robert@ccmail.ncsc.navymil
=09=09 now ShawRA@ncsc.navy.mil <mailto:ShawRA@ncsc.navy.mil> .
Please try to post
=09=09 my question using the new address. I am also subscribed at
home as :
=09=09 w4bh@juno.com <mailto:w4bh@juno.com> .
=09=09 >>
=09=09 Sorry - already deleted it. Feel free to subscribe
with one of your
=09=09Cheers, Steve K7LXC
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