[TowerTalk] Hy-Gan-Telex Rotors

Kenneth D. Grimm grimm@lynchburg.net
Sat, 29 Aug 1998 07:51:17 -0400

W5ASP@aol.com wrote:
> <snipped stuff> 
> Not long ago we returned a rotor for rework, and for the first time asked that
> the "new" style connector be installed.  When received the rotor did have a
> very nice rotor cable "pigtail" terminating in a 9-Pin "locking" male
> connector. What was missing was the mating connector for the run of control
> cable up to the rotor. Not only was there no "spare" matching connector, there
> was nothing to indicate the make, model, etc of the part, nor a suggested
> source.
> QUESTION: I this the common experience of others who have requested that the
> "kit" be installed by Hy-Gain-Telex ?
> If so, where does one obtain the necessary mate for the gismo...
> We contacted a "competitor" in the "rotor connector" business, received a
> supposedly "matching" female conector, only to find that the "pins" in the
> male and the "jacks" in the female are not of the same "size"..  The net
> result is a connection that works only wlen you "wiggle" the connector... not
> really appropriate for our use.

Joe, did you contact Hy-Gain/Telex and ask them for the mating

Ken K4XL
BoatAnchor Manual Archive - ftp://bama.sbc.edu

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