[TowerTalk] Temporary guying

CQK8DO@aol.com CQK8DO@aol.com
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 09:33:13 EST

I will go the first 3 sections from the ground up with no guys... Then install
the permanent guys at the 30 foot level and tension properly and get it
vertical... Then install the 4th section and climb up that 10 foot and
immediately hang a set of rope guys... Install the 5th section and hang a
second set of rope guys at the top of that... After that I leapfrog the the
rope guys up with me so that I only climb a single length of tower above the
rope guyed section long enough to move up the lower of the two sets of
ropes... I do permanent guys every 30 feet as I go... A 25G tower gets too
limber for my taste beyond 30 foot guy points...  
The rope can be 3/8 polypropylene, cheap stuff... All you want to do is
restrain the tower top from going sideways far enough to develop a bow between
two sets of guys below you, as your weight is swinging around on a ten foot
lever arm above the top set of guys (rope or permanant) ... 
More than ten foot above that last guy point is stupid... If anything slips or
jerks on you (you at ~200#  plus the 68#  of tower you are waving above your
head, plus the side pull of the hoisting rope) you could develop enough of a
bending moment to get into a world of hurt if the top of the tower is not


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