[TowerTalk] Rotor and Installation for A3S with 40m extension

Michael C. Joens joens@thecia.net" <joens@thecia.net
Wed, 2 Dec 1998 22:17:39 -0500

I have a Cushcraft A3S with 40m extension (currently on the ground). There 
are a couple things I'd like to run by the experts:

1. What would be the preferred rotor for this kind of antenna (31 lbs, 14ft 
boom, 5 sq ft windload)? I've been considering: Hygain CD45-II, Yaesu 
G450A, Yaesu G800S. According to the data sheets, either one will do. Based 
on the outcome of question 2, I have to consider that the antenna will sit 
on a 5 ft mast held by the rotor without a thrust bearing. I've also 
considered getting a used Ham M or II, but I'm apprehensive of buying 
someone else's problems.

2. Tower, roof tower or long mast: Putting up a long mast on the side of 
the house holds some appeal because I wouldn't have to build a tower. City 
ordinance limits the hight to 20 over the peak of the house anyway and the 
"local zoning board" wants things to look neat. Is it feasible to hold an 
A3S+ with just a mast, say 5 or 10 ft over the peak of the house, plus the 
5 ft mast in the rotor?

Another option would be a roof tower. The house is old, and the rafters are 
further apart than "16 inches on center". I'm worried about the roof's 
stability, and I wouldn't go more than 5 or 6 ft plus the mast in the rotor 
above the peak of the roof. The house is a "Dutch Colonial" the kind with a 
steep and a shallow part of the roof. It's possible to walk on the top 

Or is a separate tower (Rohn 25), attached to the side of the house to meet 
ordinance requirements, my only "reasonable" option? I don't anticipate 
putting any larger antennas up in the foreseeable future.

Thank you for any advice I can get. BTW, I have searched the towertalk 
archives, but couldn't quite come up with the specific answers I'm looking 

Michael, K1JE
k1je@amsat.org   or   Michael_Joens@millipore.com

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