[TowerTalk] TH-3 Problems

Paul McInnish - K4BET pmcinnish@att.net
Sun, 06 Dec 1998 22:33:13 -0500

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Would like to suggest that one NOT use steel wool to clean aluminum joints
on antennas.  The steel wool will 'shred', 'disintegrate' and imbed minute
particles in the aluminum... and eventually will rust and set up a high
resistance joint. EVEN when using the conductive greases and
anti-oxidants... Pentrox, etc.

Suggest using a product made by 3-M and it is called Scotch Brite pads.
Paint & body shops use it in place of sand paper in a lot of instances.

Stephanie wrote:

> > Well, I got the TH-3 all together and up on the tower yesterday.
> > Everything seemed OK at first.  Flat on 10 meters about 28.500.
> > On 15 about 21.090 and 20 meters a little low, 14.000 it was
> > flat.  Today I was working the TARA RTTY contest with about 50
> > watts, and the SWR kept sliding down the band.  It has been
> > raining and hailing all day today.  This morning all was ok, but
> > now SWR is high on 10 and 20, but fine on 15.  I'm scratching my
> > head.  Any ideas?  Thanks
> > Tom W7WHY
> >
> Did you steel wool or clean the element connections where they slide
> together. I had an intermittent problem with my TH3 for a number of
> years until I took it completely apart and cleaned every single element
> connection. I also used an antioxidant where the element slide together.
> This cured the problem....I recently recleaned the TH3 again and
> reinstalled it on my new tower...It works great....Nothing like
> preventive maintenance !!!!!
> --
> Stephanie
> http://www.qsl.net/kd2rz
> --
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