[TowerTalk] Tubes Separated!

Terry Sharar terrys@romulus.ncsc.mil
Tue, 8 Dec 1998 11:57:25 -0500 (EST)

	Thanks to all who responded to my weekend posting asking for
suggestions on how to separate two concentric aluminum tubes. I received
many good, practical suggestions to include use of WD-40, hydrogen
peroxide, and propane torch heat.

	I was not too worried about dirt between the tubes since I had
cleaned both thoroughly with paint thinner before inserting one inside the
other so I decided to try the chemical route first. Starting on Sunday
morning I began squirting "Kroil" on both end of the tubes. This is a
penetrating lubricant similar to Liquid Wrench or WD-40. I did this
aperiodically about half a dozen times during the day. I allowed it to
soak and wick all day Monday while I was at work.

	The tubes were concentric except for about six inches on the ends.
Fortunately, there were holes at each protruding end through which I was
able to insert short steel rods. On Monday evening I began to gently twist
and pull. The tubes began to twist within two minutes and within another
three minutes I had them completely separated!

	I hope this experience will be of benefit to others who may be in
a similar predicament.

73 de Terry Sharar WB3DSB

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