[TowerTalk] Inverted Vee on US Tower MA550

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:25:46 -1000

>My question concerns the mounting of an inverted Vee on a tower that
>rotates.  Has anyone developed a "slip collar" or bearing that allows
>the apex of the Vee to remain stationary while the mast rotates through

Aloha,  My MA-550 came out here by ship and truck.  No problems at
all,  it was crated.

I have had V's hanging from it for years.  Simple,  but not elegant
I have a rope tossed up and over the beam boom at the boom attach
point to the top section of the 550.  I suspend the center of the V
from the rope.  There is enough tension from the multiple V
wires to hold the rope out and away from the tower several
feet.  Also there is slack in the V wires,  so when the entire
tower rotates the rope allows the parallel V's to stay
where they are,  while the top of the tower,  as it
rotates probably causes the rope to shorten,
but by only a few inches.  Works just fine,  and
adds no troublesome force to the operation of
the tower.  If I want to fiddle with the V's,  just
lower the crack-down mast,  and here comes
the V's down to ground level.  Also have
enough slack in the rope at the bottom,
so I can also drop the V's just by letting
more rope out.  Be sure the rope does not
go over a sharp edge on an antenna boom
attachment plate;  I had a sharp edge "saw"
through the rope a couple years back;  of
course,  down came the V's,  hi!

Anyway,  where there is a will,  there is usually
a way.

73,  Jim,  KH7M
On the Garden Island of Kauai

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