[TowerTalk] Inverted Vee on US Tower MA550

Steve Thomas steve@n6st.org
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 06:41:44 -0800

For this purpose I used a thrust bearing attached near the top of a rotating
Wilson 61 ft crank-up. The bearing rotates easily and provides a good
attachment point for an inverted vee.

I secured the feedline to the bearing (I don't remember how at the moment -
that was over 15 years ago - and let it dangle until it reached the fixed
section. There I secured it with Scotch 33 tape, leaving enough droop that
it could wrap around the tower as it was rotated.

73, Steve N6ST

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-towertalk@contesting.com
[mailto:owner-towertalk@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Joseph A Vilardo
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 12:29 AM
To: Towertalk@contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] Inverted Vee on US Tower MA550

- snip -

My question concerns the mounting of an inverted Vee on a tower that
rotates.  Has anyone developed a "slip collar" or bearing that allows
the apex of the Vee to remain stationary while the mast rotates through
it?  What do you do about the feedline (coax) going to the antenna, this
assumes that the fixture for rotating the Vee is below the antenna??  US
tower makes a fixture for mounting inverted Vee's on their tower but
says it is not suitable for the rotating mast(MARB).


Joe K3JV

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