[TowerTalk] Need Comments on F12- 6M, 10M and 40M ants & a Boomer

The Kings The Kings <scsueepe@mtcnet.net>
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 20:07:16 -0600

Thanks for responding Tom...

>First off, your sq ft rating seem awfully LOW to me.  My 2L40 is around
>6.5 sq ft so I really have to wonder about your numbers for a 3L40.

Yes sir - Hmmm, I was wondering about that, I checked on some 2 el 40M beams
and they
were around 6 Sq ft as well, I was wondering how the MAG340 could be 6 Sq ft
as well.  As I look at my Force 12 1998 catalog on page 19....wind load says
6 Sqr Ft.  Thanks for pointing it out, I wonder how many others have fallen
into that one.

>Also, why would you put a 3L40 at only 56 ft?   Most of your radiation
>will be above 20 degrees, and the pattern of a 3L will cut into the
>angles.  I would recommend either going higher (80' to 100' works GREAT
>on 40M) or go with a 2L40 instead.

I understand that it does, I just dont have the proper QTH at this time,
better luck on my next house.  I am already looking into 2 element versions
of 40M beams...how do you like yours?

>A 50 MPH rating is worthless.   The wind pressure goes up as the SQUARE
>of the windspeed so at  70 MPH, you DOUBLE your windload, and 70 MPH
>is kind of a MINIMUM value I would design for.  My towers / antennas
>a 90 MPH mini-tornado that took dozens of big and old trees out in my

Scalin down the system as we speak...

Appreciate your info and any more to come...

Thanks, Mike - KM0T

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