FW: [TowerTalk] Wanted: contact for aluminum, and antenna models

Dave D'Epagnier DAVED@ctilidar.com
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 08:43:19 -0700

> ----------
> From: 	Dave D'Epagnier
> Sent: 	Thursday, December 10, 1998 8:12 AM
> To: 	'Pete Smith'
> Subject: 	RE: [TowerTalk] Wanted: contact for aluminum, and
> antenna models
> Pete,
> I'm located in Colorado and I'm interested in building monobanders on
> 10, 15, 20. I might like to build a horizontally stacked unit that
> puts several monos on the same boom (like Force-12's and Bencher). How
> can I get ahold of these tons of models?
> thanks,
> Dave
> Dave -- where are you?  you want a local supplier, or the shipping
> will
> kill any cost difference.
> Also, what bands are you interested in?  There are a ton of models out
> there, but you gotta be specific/
> I'd suggest you supplement your message to the towertalk reflector,
> explaining where you are and what bands you want antennas for, and
> you'll
> drown in same.  See also www.contesting.com for an article on the OWA
> yagi,
> perhaps the latest and greatest in this respect.
> 73,  Pete N4ZR
> Loud is good

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