[TowerTalk] Off topic post - need help

Roger D. Johnson n1rj@ime.net
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 16:58:07 -0500

I'm hoping that I'll be forgiven for posting something that has
nothing to do with towers but, occassionally, a question needs an
answer and one is not subscribed to an appropriate reflector. 
 In a nutshell, my employer is planning to send me on a field trip
to repair a piece of our equipment. No surprise there...I knew I
would be making these trips when I took the job. The surprise was
when they asked me for my credit card to charge the airline
tickets! They assured me that this was the normal way of doing
business...I pay for everything and then get reimbursed. Somehow
this doesn't sound right to me. I'm retired military and not
familiar with civilian ways of doing things. Perhaps some of you
who do company travel could tell me if this is the norm or am I
being snowed.
 Please, answers to me only so we don't take up more reflector

73, Roger

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