[TowerTalk] Ox-Gard use

Pat Barthelow aa6eg@hh.tmx.com
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:46:12 -0800 (PST)

Hi Tom,

It is possible the thick application may have caused nearly perfect
floatig element overlaps.  I had a similar problem with ox-guard too
heavily applied to the inside shield of 75 ohm CATV hardline.  Use very
sparingly....like the zinc oxide heat sink compound...Others on the
reflector, have contra recommended the ox guard and its variants...
They recomend pure silicone dielectric grease.  It does not have the
condutive material (powedered aluminum, copper, or zinc) the others
have..... Also do not use a wire brush with metallic bristles that are not
aluminum,on aluminum tubing....The micro-particles of say, steel brush
bristles left imbededed into thealuminum will play havoc with your
antenna,in the long term....

73, DX, de Pat, AA6EG/N6IJ;

599 DX Drive, Marina CA 93933
"The Contest Station from the Government"

On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, Tom Osborne wrote:

> Hi Gang
> In recently putting my TH-3 together, I used LOTS of Ox-Gard on
> the joints when I put it together.  Not noticing till AFTER the
> antenna was up, I see where the tube says it needs to be worked
> in with a wire brush.  Needless to say, I didn't do that.  Now
> the antenna seems to be acting erratic.  Do I need to take it
> back down and clean the joints and wire-brush the stuff in to
> make it work right.  I put it on kinda thick and then just put
> the joints together.  In 40 years of antenna building, this is
> the first time I have used an anti-oxidizer on an antenna.  Seems
> like it's more trouble than it is worth.  Thanks and 73
> Tom W7WHY
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