[TowerTalk] electric winch for UStower MA550

Dick Green Dick Green" <dick.green@valley.net
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 01:32:26 -0500

>       If you value your time at zero dollars and are a qualified engineer
>that can safety merge a motor, drive, drum, etc. for this application - go
>head on, you might save a couple of bucks.
>      Otherwise, observing the LXC Prime Directive ("DO what the
>says") is mandatory. Penny wise, pound foolish, etc.

Steve is right. I have an MA-770MDP and feel that while the motor is
expensive, it is not overpriced and is not overkill for either my tower or
the MA-550. I wouldn't dream of trying to homebrew a motorized raising
system for this tower. Too dangerous if you get it wrong.

73, Dick, WC1M

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